
I am so awesome, I'm in my own league of awesome. Wanna Battle?

I have better music taste than any other girl that I've ever met and possibly any other person ever! No female has ever matched me in my music-loving-awesomeness, but I'd really love to meet another female as musically savvy as I am. She'd have to be on the level, I mean not completely snarky. If another girl could even come close to my ability to find and love awesome music, I'd dare her to step up! I'd challenge her to the ultimate iPod battle!

The winner would get first choice of shows to check out and we'd be the best of frenemies. I would no longer have to go to shows with just guy friends because I'd have her. You know, hanging with platonic male friends doesn't help me meet men. I'll have both a partner in musical awesomeness and a wing-woman. We will call each other before every event just to make sure we're not wearing clashing outfits or show each other up fashion-wise. And at the shows, concerts and dance parties, we'll collect digits from the cute ones that know how to dance. We'll have our own language of code words and safety signals.

I'm sure there must be a girl in Williamsburg, Green Point or Bushwick, who is at least mostly in the know and doesn't dress up in American Apparel and isn't attached at the hip to her skinny hipster boyfriend or ladyfriend, but I have yet to meet that chick. I do happen to like hipster music; I just don't like hipsters, well, most of them. They act so aloof, like they don't care about anything. And they don't have a care in the world because their parents pay their rent and give them a goldcard for their "vintage" 80's crap. Their vapid conversation doesn't entertain me much. Until the day I find a music girlfriend who doesn't annoy the hell out of me, I'll just be the solo music goddess supreme in my crowd! I am so awesome, I'm in my own league of awesome.

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