
Safe Distance Education "Reimagine Education Virtually"

We are experiencing a paradigm shift in Education. To reopen schools, we need to reimagine education. I have been teaching within the DOE for 11 years, a journey that began with the NYC Teaching Fellows program in 2009. Before teaching, I was a Community Organizer, and I spent ten years in the corporate world of public relations, advertising, and media. I am now a Ph.D. candidate with a focus on Learning, Instruction, and Innovation. One of my goals is to achieve academic and social-emotional learning through innovation.

As we made a rapid transition to online learning (RTOL) through the adoption of educational technology and sheer necessity, COVID-19 revealed a vulnerability within our K-12 educational infrastructure. Distance learning may be new to many in K-12 educators, however, it is an established model in higher education. As we reopen our schools and unpack triumphs and missteps, we can "reimagine education" in a virtual community. I want to call it "Safe Distance Education," where schools offer logistical options based on student and community safety regulations, avoid future school shutdowns, and finally move into the 21st-Century. 

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