
Ordinary Things With A Twist

From the surface it may appear one way. Lots of things have happened and other things remain. Who knows what the truth is. What is truth but an opinion, a perspective of winning and losing...fight or flight...threat or non-threat. There is love under different context. I stopped waiting, I got on the train. Before this day, things were quite simple. Staying the same is impossible but we can linger...Hey, I still check out dark haired white boys with freckles and skateboards. I'm still lost in the music and feeling more from lyrics than parts of life.

I keep my distance far away from vivid memories but I remember when we used to call people. We never said, "I'll facebook you." So many ways to reach out; so many ways to be ignored. I never need to call, but I know everything I need to hear. I can't go back to where I used to wish for a kiss from someone who knew nothing better in this world.

I sent music through the air, now my computer makes radio stations for me. We still have space-time continuum but maximum exposure to minim composure. It trips me out to get projected into time warps with hand-held robot replacements. The ride is rocky but the scenery is nice. I reclaim the pieces of my spirit dropped on the road. What does it mean to be happy??? I dream a lot... I smile a lot... I have faith to spare. I feel deeply and I see things I could never feel before. I dream of ordinary things with a twist.

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