
morph and wax. someone’s got my back.

my morning bliss
in mind i'm daily
then some kind of malfunction occurred
cause my patch fell off
and i'm smoking something bad

i'm just not there yet
but morphing into more
new and cute
and warm behind my neck
i broke my strike
and someone's got my back

i feel the change come through me
and i'm very happy
my wings aren't wet
an svp said he'd morph for me
and then i went home

music was waiting for me
and then another boy sent me tunes
i like when boys drop beats
they can make it themselves
they can dig on someone else's

when i'm in the beat
i'm gone
and i move too quickly
and elbow the novena
wax flies everywhere
and i scrape away with
my old plastic identity

i looked down again
and i was smitten

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