Last week, I busted my ass. I wasn't snowboarding or skating or doing anything half-way interesting. I was just going down into the subway and I slipped on my toucus down the concrete steps. My suede converse must have gotten wet from some melting snow and I wasn't paying attention to every step like I do when I'm walking alone. I was following a co-worker and down I went. Being care-free and care-less. I'm on Vicodin already because of my second alien baby which will be vanquished on my own birthday. (whole nether story)
It has been exactly two years since I fell down on my face and this time I was not drunk or doing anything that required skill. This time I didn't fall on my face or break my head like several years back. Luckily I didn't even technically break my sweet butt, but I bruised the tailbone, bad, which makes it difficult to sit without a pillow. I have to carry around an undercover inflatable donut. An inconspicuous ass protection unit in a keen black cosmetic bag. It's my companion wherever I roam. It would be kind of genius if it wasn't for the broke booty!
My sad ass may be hurting for weeks up to months. In a few days, I'll be in bed for a few days, at least I'll be off my ass. If anyone wants to help, and in the spirit of Christmas, for a moment... please send some speedy recovery wishes to my ass! (and my other girl parts!)
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